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Giving 30 points

The current visual state is fairly bare-bones, but I think that's expected for a small-scale project like this one. The lighting could be fixed with a global 2D light. The layout is okay, has reasonable pathing (though I did have to backtrack a bit once), and I didn't encounter many issues with movement. It might be worth it to zoom the camera out a little bit.

At the start, the falling platforms do not reset upon death, making jumping up a little trickier (easier thanks to air control). The boss fight also doesn't seem to reset correctly upon death (if that's intentional, I'd expect the shield to reset at least). The life meter also doesn't update properly for some reason (it only ever dropped to 4 hearts).

Otherwise though, good work!

Everything is quite well. Fix the UI with health and keys. Add some hint for the door, notify the player that he cannot open it because he need a key. Perhaps add some meaning to the artefacts.

Good game, has some bugs.
- Repair health bar - updating and death
- Door into the wall isn't convincing
-nerf the boss

-why was I collecting those artefacts? make it worth? maybe increase the dmg of the bullets from it? could be the "new mechanics" thats added into the game

Overall pretty cool, has that nice feeling of discovery, sometimes it's not clear what I'm trying to do - get a key at one point but I don't know that it opens a door somewhere. That might be part of the experience though.

The floating islands look interesting, but a bit out of place - maybe add some tiles around - but again, might be intentional... 

So overall, pretty good :)

Removing the platforms after a certain period of time is a great idea. It would be nice if they came back after some time has passed, but the level is still passable after that. When squashing the enemy with a box, it would be nice actually see him get smashed :). And maybe the boss arena could be larger, I died many times by falling down. Also probably a bug, but when I died in the boss arena, my hearts were kept at the amount in which I entered the scene, which was 1/5, so maybe fill them back to full. Other than that, it's a really nice platformer, the visible plants and spikes in dark level are great, and the key picking mechanic as well.

(1 edit)

escape - event system ?
2d light ?

pozadí v některých částech moc malé? - modrá barva

alien mi dal damage ale heath counter je nezměněn

push box to kill alien - neviděl jsem, že tam nějakej alien byl

dá se střílet? (mělo by nebo ne?)

počítadlo artefaktů?

když jsem došel k lodi - crash