Journal Entry 3

Date: 16.3. 2024

Activity: Integration of Bullets and Destructible Objects

Notes: Today's work focused on implementing the shooting mechanics where the player can shoot bullets that react to the game environment. I created bullet variants using ScriptableObjects to randomize bullet properties such as color and speed. Moreover, I also developed a system where the bullets can damage and break destructible objects, like columns, into pieces.

Key steps included:

  1. Setting up the bullet prefabs and their instantiation based on the player's direction.
  2. Creating a bullet pooling system for better performance.
  3. Designing destructible objects with components that can be disabled or activated upon bullet impact.
  4. Coding collision detection to trigger the destruction sequence of these objects.

Invested Hours: 5

Outcome: Successful build (named Build3).

Files 85 MB
Mar 16, 2024

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